b'2019 Support Group Snapshot We have hit a milestone! The MS Focus Independent Support Group Network now includes200 active support groups in 42 states. We are proud to serve the MS community andthrilledthat there are resources available to so many living with MS across the country.I reachedout to our groups to see what they have to say about our support groups program.I was rst diagnosed As the facilitatorwith MS in 1994. I am always of the Mingle and Sharesearching for that small "pearl" MS Support Group for manyof new information regarding years, I have many great peoplehow others cope with MS challenges. who all have one thing in common - MS.Being in a support group We share info and support and mingleallows me to learn other solutions with each other. MS Focus supports ourto our challenges. group in many ways, which are alldeeply appreciated.Mark Folino We take Carole KoberMin=le and Share strength from each other Min=le and ShareSupport Group and point each other in Support Groupdirections that will help on ourjourney. The group pushes meto discover new ways to bringeverything Ive got to this ght! Members haveWhen I rst came Vicky St. John told me they dont feel soStandin= Up To MS alone with their MS and theirto an MS meeting, I was symptoms. Were not our MS, butamazed at how it changed my life. Support Group people with a purpose in our lives,I learned so much about how I can even if its only being there for othersuse media to live an easier life. Thanks for everything you do for us!My questions are always answered.Audie Grawien Sandra NovakMin=le and Share By sponsoring the Northwest ArkansasSupport Group MS support groups, MS Focus MS Support Grouphas given the individuals involvedthe connections to provide supportto each other. Our discussionsare awesome.CJArroyo Grande MSSharin= and Carin=Support Group3'