b'Winter Meeting TipsFor You And Your Group If last year was any indication, most of us can expect some severe winter weather duringthe next few months. That might mean snow storms, hail, sleet, or a combination of all three.No matter what kind of weather youre expecting, travel during serious winter conditionsis dangerous. This might lead to missing meetings, or the outright cancellation of one or moremeetings. Here are three tips to help you and your group overcome winter weather:Be Flexible. Depending on the size of your group and where you meet, changing the time,date, or location of your meeting could allow you to continue meetings in spite of winterconditions. Be sure to plan these alternative options soon, and consider making printouts forgroup members to reference. A phone tree, text chain, or email list can also help notymembers of changed plans.Conference Call. If the weather is bad and the forecast doesnt look promising, consider hostinga conference call meeting. There are a few options that are free, such as freeconferencecall.com,that can host dozens of people on one call. Other services might allow for video chatting ifmembers have webcams on computers or smartphones. The services can get hectic, so, ifyou try this option, moderating is key to keeping things running smooth.Keep It Casual. In place of larger, more formal group meetings, smaller get-togethers mightbe easier to plan and attend. Getting members out of the house for lunch, or going to a movieas a group, can be a fun and easy way to catch-up, share, and recharge the batteries duringlong periods without group meetings. Encourage your members to stay in touch with eachother and make plans together, even if it isnt the whole group.Looking to join a support group this year? Interested in starting one? AnyonewithMScanstartasupportgroupandbecomealeader.Healthcareprofessionals or care partners of someonewith MS can also start or aliate a supportgroup with us. We believe that every person with MSshould be able to nd an understandingand encouraging community of peers rightin his or her backyard.Contact us at 888-673-6287 or email supportgroups@msfocus.orgKathryn and Ashton are here to help you and your group!6'