b'In September, I attended the Wantagh MSSupport Group meeting in Wantagh, N.Y. Uponarriving I was witness to just how welcomingthis group is with each other. Big hellos andhugs to go around. They are very organized andhave an agenda they put together for eachmeeting. This group has seven group leadersand they each have a job to do. Having multipleleaders has helped them to expand the groupWanta2h 2roup after their meetin2 and be able to maintain a large membershipwith no added stress to the leaders. They workThe Wanta=h MS Support Group meets on the third well together and are very good at what theyTuesday of each month at 11 a.m. at the St. Frances de do. This meeting opened with 15 minutes ofChantal Church. For more info, contact Teresa at 516- exercise. Then, Steven, a group leader, spoke312-6171 or via email at boriquaforever22@yahoo.com. for 15 minutes on the topic of choice. Finally,the guest speaker gave their presentation. Afterthe meeting, we had lunch and socialized. Iwas happy to share with them informationabout the programs and services MS Focushas for folks living with MS and how they canapply for and receive services from us.Where will yousee me next?5'