b'Can You Spot The Dierences?For this contest, you might need to break out a magnifying glass!Put on your detective hat and see if you can spot all the dierences in these two image sets.Correctly nding all the dierences will enter you into a prize rae#1 - Six DierencesFind them all, and youwill be entered to win a$10 prize!CIrCLE, hIGhLIGhT,Or WrITE OUT WhATYOU FInD.If written out, includespecic details, such asnumbers or locations.#2 - Eight DierencesFind them all, and you willbe entered to win a $15 prize!CIrCLE, hIGhLIGhT, Or WrITE OUT WhAT YOU FInD.If written out, please includespecic details such asnumbers or locations.Find all 14 dierences, you will be entered into a rae for a $20 prize!Ocial rulesThis original page, a photocopy, or a detailed listing of dierences will all be acceptedfor submission. One submission will enter you into all applicable prize categories.Submissions are due by Dec. 15, 2019Submissions can be emailed to supportgroups@msfocus.org or mailed to:Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Attn: Spot the Dierence6520 N. Andrews Ave. Fort Lauderdale, FL333097'