b'SupporSupport Grt GroupoupLeaderLeaderssin t he Spotlightin the SpotlightThe Anchorage Evening MS Support Group from Anchorage, Alaska, affiliated with MS Focus in November 2019. Leader Jill Boyd said it has been difficult having meetings since the pandemic started right after. The group rose to the challenge and continued to meet via Zoom, which is how it still meets. The group is beginning to add quarterly in-person meetings, but otherwise is still meeting via Zoom. Jill Boyd Jill said the groups mission statement is: Whether you have had MS for a long time or have just started your journey, we are here to support you. Come to share your experiences and ask questions. We are in this together, and all are welcome to join us.If you would like to join this group or need more information, call 907-748-7236 or email jillboyd31@gmail.com. The Mindfulness & Well-Being with MS Support Group from Culver City, Calif. affiliated with MS Focus in December 2018. While leader Tracy Schmetterer used to have in-person meetings, she now holds monthly Zoom meetings and is encouraged by the attendance of her group. Tracy said the main thing to mention about her group that might be different, is their focus is on mindfulness. She tells interested new members they are an MS support group that also offers Tracya place to learn more about stress and symptom reduction through meditation Schmettererand mindfulness. The group used to start with a ve-to 10-minute meditation at the beginning of every meeting. Now they have their regularly scheduled meeting and an additional meeting on another day that is for guided meditation and a brief discussion afterward. The discussions are focused on how meditation and mindfulness can improve quality of life and how everyone is feeling, as well as questions. As a group leader, Tracy is proud of the inspiration her group brings to her creatively. She really enjoys writing and sharing her perspective at tracyslife.blog. If you would like to join this group or need more information, call 310-527-1745 or email tracy.peyton@gmail.com.The River City MS Support Group of Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., affiliated with MS Focus in July 2005. While there have been changes in leadership over the years, the group has continued to remain strong. Leader Jane Carlson said the group typically does not meet during the winter months but keeps in touch by phone during those months. Some members of the group are veterans and share their experiences. Others, though disabled and in their golden years, Jane Carlson share their wisdom and knowledge.2'