b'National Caregiver Month Celebrated every November, National Family Caregivers Month is a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country. It offers an opportunity to raise awareness of caregiving issues, educate communities, and increase support for caregivers. Did you know that:More than half of family caregivers are women.More than a million American young people, aged eight to 18, care for an adult relative on a daily basis.Most caregivers work outside the home either part-or-full time, in addition to their care-giving responsibilities.Nearly 70 percent of caregivers report they dont see their doctor regularly because of their responsibilities. HHoowwMMSSFFooccuussCCaannHHeellpp Apply for the Homecare Assistance Grant for a few hours of respite time for the caregiver so they can spend time with friends or just relax.Encourage the caregivers to join our support group for care-partners or caregivers only.Contact MS Focus for the booklet Care for the Caregiver. F e a t u r e d B o o k l e tF e a t u r e d B o o k l e tCare for the Caregiver How did you become a caregiver of someone with MS? Some caregivers gradually take on more responsibility for assisting their loved ones as their MS progresses. Others are thrust into the role.Care for the CaregiverIt is important to nd some sort of balance and recognize that self-care is part of your caregiving responsibility.You must be realistic about what you can handle. Maintaining boundaries and engaging in self-care will help. The purpose of this booklet, Care for the Caregiver is to help you achieve the necessary balance to succeed in providing the best possible care, both for your loved one and for yourself.A digital copy of this booklet can be emailed to you or a free physical copy can be mailed to you. Send your request to supportgroups@msfocus.org. 5'