b'Fa l l F u nFa l l F u nAutumn and Thanksgiving Word Scramble ContestOfficial Rules Correctly nd all the words and you will be entered into the prize raffle. First place winner receives a $20 gift card, Second place $15 gift card, Third place $10 gift card.pmpunki___________oleywl___________spmiligr ___________ eqrsruil ___________afliego ___________ricdukmts ___________ oneerbmv ___________caorn ___________dnenir___________ flaieog ___________gheanc___________syam ___________ etmbrseep___________eomnvbre ___________solrl ___________ odrrhca ___________rorcawsec ___________eremnbov ___________ efnibor___________rsqeiulr ___________ gobebl ___________ loedrngod ___________baerm___________dessret___________ gmtinaori___________rcon ___________ngstufif ___________ coueidusd ___________ukppmin___________uyhtarsd ___________ awreste ___________krueyt___________efats___________ wcrscreoa ___________omfaylwer ___________rgavy ___________ ahdocrr ___________niwsebho___________nnasidi___________ svatrhe___________ciarrrbesne ___________rbeda ___________Submissions can be emailed to supportgroups@msfocus.org or mailed to: Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, Attn: Autumn Word Scrabble Contest 6520 N. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL33309SWord Search Contest AnswersSuummmmeerrFFuunn Thank you to everyone who participated in the word search contest. We hope you were able to nd all the words correctly. As always, we had dozens of participants, and congrats to our winners: F$20 gift card FiirrssttPPllaacceeCathy Ames-Farmer,Pueblo West, Colo.S$15 gift card SeeccoonnddPPllaacceeDaniel Thontlin,Manawa, Wis. T$10 gift card ThhiirrddPPllaacceeMary Goffe,Geneseo, Ill. 7'