b'WALKATHON FOR MS FOCUSTeam Zoom Zooms is holding their annual walk for MS Focus and you can help! This virtual walkathon is running until Dec. 1. This is the 21st year that Team Zoom Zooms has organized this walk, and so far, they have raised more than $300,000 to help the MS community.To donate on our website, go to msfocus.org. Click on Donate at the top, then One-Time, then General/Program Support. Choose a Specic Program, use the drop-down arrow to choose Team Zoom Zooms. This will make sure your donation is credited to the walkathon. If you would like to organize an actual walk and collect pledges, you can do that that too. After your walk, you can send your funds through the website. If you have collected checks, make sure they are made out to: Multiple Sclerosis Foundation and in the memo section write: Team Zoom Zooms.Checks should be mailed to: Jamie Colvet, 112 Sylvan Drive, Milton, DE 19968. Either way you participate in the fundraiser is a win-win for MS Focus and the MS community that will benet directly from these donations. Interested in doing something similar to this event? Whether youre an individual or a member of an MS support group, we can help you make it happen. Order materials from the MS Focus. We can outt you with a wealth of informational materials, brochures, wrist-bands, magnets and more for you to make is a success.Contact Debra Forman, Educational Programs Coordinator 888-673-6287, Ext. 148 or debra@msfocus.org 6'