b'If you would like to join this group or need more information call503-270-0786 or email prncs615@gmail.com. The Westminster MS Support Group of Westminster, Maryland, affiliated with MS Focus in January 2008. Leader Donna Goonan has monthly meetings in person and by Zoom for those who cannot attend, including some members who are bedridden or in other states. The mission statement of this group is: Our group gathers monthly to support one another through sharing educational resources and experiences of Donna Goonan inspiration and hope.While Donna has been with MS Focus for 14 years, she has been a support group leader for 28 years and has decided it is time for someone else to take the reins. Some groups have several people leading the group, thus easing the burden. Donna is hoping her members will decide to take this route and she will be there to guide them.If you would like to join this group or need more information, call 410-861-5465 or email donnagoonan@gmail.com. The C.S.I. West Texas MS Support Group of the Midland /Odessa, Texas area, affiliated with MS Focus in March 2018. C.S.I. stands for caring, sharing, and inspiring. This group has gone through some name and leadership changes over the years, as it was part of another group affiliated with MS Focus back in 2009. Leaders Laura Kinney and Brianna Baker said the mission of their group is to ensure the provision of services to persons affected by MS; the safeguarding of their Laura Kinney anddignity, health, and safety; increase their self-sufficiency, and Brianna Baker well-being; spread awareness and knowledge of multiple sclerosis.The group has been meeting virtually, and while attendance has been somewhat low, Laura is hoping that once they begin meeting in person again it will grow. At this time they are seeking a venue for in-person meetings. If you would like to join this group or need more information, call 432-880-4978 or 432-232-2770 or email sadeyes0722@yahoo.com or briannabaker0622@gmail.com. PPlleeaasseewweellccoommeetthhiissnneewwllyyaaffiffilliiaatteeddssuuppppoorrttggrroouupp::Mind Over Myelin SheathA Multiple Sclerosis Support GroupSouth Lyon, Mich. Leader: Mary Parisien Visit our website at msfocus.org or email us at supportgroups@msfocus.org to nd the support group nearest to you. 4'