b'Multiple Sclerosis FoundationEmpowerSource is a free newsletter. To subscribe, visit www.msfocus.org/publications, call 888-MSFOCUS (673-6287), or email supportgroups@msfocus.orgThe purpose of EmpowerSource is to promote collaboration between MS Focus, our MS advocates, affiliated support groups, and the MS community at large, in order to bridge the gaps and to provide practical advice for individuals and groups. Dear Friends, Many of my friends ask me why I continue to work. After all, I could retire and enjoy my golden years. I was thinking about that on a recent road trip to western New York where I was lucky enough to experience the real feeling of fall. I admired the changing hues of gold, rust, and crimson foliage along with the cool, crisp temperatures.Before my departure, I met a woman from Punta Gorda, Florida, who had evacuated to the east coast from Hurricane Ian. We began talking and when I told her where I worked, she told me she has MS. I explained what our organization does and she asked what she could do to help. We both got a little teary, hugged, and I gave her my card. l told her when she was back in her home and settled, to give me a call.Once in New York, I was able to reconnect with Sue, a client of MS Focus for many years. Sue and her daughter Rachael live in Buffalo and both have MS. During an MS Focus event in August 2019, Sue and Rachael signed in the attendees at the front table. During this trip, I drove to Buffalo to visit her and it was like no time passed, instead of the three years that had gone by.I often receive letters from readers of this newsletter. Sister Maria Theresa wrote, Thank you for keeping me in touch with MS news. I am glad there are more groups forming. After 20 some years, I had to let go of my group due to COVID and my own health problems. God bless and keep you going. I called her and we talked for a long time. Now in an assisted living home, she still wants to help others with MS.I share these things with you because those are just some of the examples of why I continue to work. One never knows when I will be able to connect with someone with MS that might need our help or might want to help others. Perhaps you are one of those people. Thank you for reading our newsletter and for supporting MS Focus.Sincerely, Marcia Marty Harris Support Groups Program CoordinatorMS Focus does not advocate or endorse any specific treatments, healing modalities, or practitioners. The material presented in this publication is for informational purposes only. For specific advice, consult your healthcare provider.'