b'Multiple Sclerosis FoundationEmpowerSource is a free newsletter. To subscribe, visit www.msfocus.org/publications,call 888-MSFOCUS (673-6287), or email supportgroups@msfocus.orgThe purpose of EmpowerSource is to promote collaboration between MS Focus, our MS advocates,affiliated support groups, and the MS community at large, in order to bridge gaps and to providepractical advice for individuals and groups. Dear Friends, I heard someone say that 2020 will soon be a bad memory behind us. While I understandthe logic of that, we have to remember that some good things happened in 2020. For mepersonally, I became a grand aunt to twin boys born in New Jersey in January. In early MarchI was promoted to Support Groups program coordinator, taking charge of the support groupsprogram here at MS Focus. Of course, who knew our oces and the entire country would beclosing down the end of March because of the pandemic, making support more of a challengethan ever. Yet MS Focus rose to the challenge and we started working remotely to make sureall our departments were available to continue to help those in need. In August I turned 65. Most people would think this is not something good they wouldwant to share, but it is part of my 2020 journey. After all, I dont feel 65 and I was able to learnmore about Medicare and senior citizen discounts. In mid-December my football team, theBualo Bills, won the AFC East Division for the rst time in more than 25 years. If you arefrom western NY this was surely a good thing in 2020. December 30 I became a grand auntyet again, this time to a baby boy from western New York. So for me, 2020 had some verygood memories. Maybe your good memories of 2020 include being able to vote in the presidential electionor nding out there was a vaccine for COVID-19. Maybe it was about how happy you werewhen you found out your favorite restaurant was opening back up. Maybe your memoriesinclude the birth of a child, or helping another child start school. Maybe like many of us, amemory will include horns honking and bells ringing at a certain time of day to thank doctors,nurses, rst responders: all heroes. Lets take the time to thank some heroes now. These heroesmay not make the news, but in my heart and the heart of all that will read this, they are heroesjust the same.Sincerely,Marcia Marty HarrisSupport Groups Program CoordinatorMS Focus does not advocate or endorse any specific treatments, healing modalities, or practitioners. The materialpresented in this publication is for informational purposes only. For specific advice, consult your healthcare provider.'