b'Guy is our main man. Guy makes our computer and phone system run smoothly for themost part. While there may be a few glitches here and there, MS Focus sta has been workingremotely since April. There is no way to list all the things that Guy does. If he were to have asuperhero title, I would say its Batman to the rescue, along with Robin (Brent) who assists inwhatever way is needed. Glenda and Monique handle the Homecare and Emergency Assistance departments. Bothhave several years experience and will do everything they can to help you. Sheena is alsopart of this extraordinary super hero team. Vicki is a Wonder Woman herself, handling Cooling,Computer, and Brighter Tomorrow Grant programs. Lets not forget Debbie (who sets up all the teleconferences) and Alma who both now assistwith answering the support line to help MS Focus help those in need. There is also Melis whodoes the Lending Library. All these jobs are done remotely. Its like we are living in a futuristicage, denitely something superheroes do. It goes without saying that our Communications team members are denitely superheroes.Terry, Chris, Kimani what can I say? You, my friends, get the word out when the world is starvingfor information. MS Focus Magazine, this EmpowerSource newsletter and social mediabecome more important than ever during this time. These are just some of the behind the scenes super heroes at MS Focus. None of us coulddo what we do without the help of the other. To innity and beyond as Buzz Lightyear wouldsay. Even though he wasnt a superhero, he had it right.WWEEAARREEHHEERREEFFOORRYYOOUUEven though our oces are closed because of the pandemic, our sta is mostly workingremotely to assist you. You can email us at: support@msfocus.org with questions you mayhave.If youhavequestionsaboutanapplication youarellingoutonour website,needpaperwork mailed to you, or just want to talk, do not hesitate to call our toll-free supportline 888-673-6287. You can also visit our website: msfocus.org for up-to-date information onour grants and programs, MS Focus magazine, and news from the MS community.TTEELLEECCOONNFFEERREENNCCEESSDid you know that MSFocus has been providing free, live teleconferences every weeksince April 2020? Our educational programs coordinator Debra Forman has workeddiligently to have MS doctors, therapists, motivational speakers and others provide valuableinformation. Please view the upcoming teleconferences on our website: msfocus.org.If you missed any of these teleconferences they are available on our youtube channel:youtube.com/MultipleSclerosisFoundation.3'