b'SuperHeroes ContestSuperHeroesCan You Spot The Dierences?For this contest, you will need to use your superhero powers.Put on your superhero cape and see if you can spot all the dierences in these two images,some are obvious, but some really need your superpowers.Correctly nding all the dierences will enter you into the prize rae.Ocial RulesFor this contest, you need to: Find the dierences in the two pictures.Submissions are due by April 15First Place winner receives a $20 gift card, Second Place $15, Third Place $10 gift cards.Submissions can be emailed to supportgroups@msfocus.org or mailed to:Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, Attn: MS Focus Heroes6520 N. Andrews Ave. Fort Lauderdale, FL333096'