b'Sara Spande is the leader of Minnetonka MS Support Group inMinnetonka, Minn. She said her group has been a place for her membersto feel understood. They continue to meet via Zoom monthly at this time.Our support group team spoke at one of these meetings last Novemberwhere members learned more about MS Focus grants and programs. The Wantagh MS Support Group in Wantagh, N.Y., isunique. Leader Kathy Ragland feels it takes a village to keepthe group running during the pandemic, and has a group of7 people assisting. She feels they all have their own following,which makes this group continue to grow. While still limitedto Zoom meetings of at least two-to-three per month, thisactive group cant wait for activities to start. Our supportKathy group team spoke at one of their meetings last September. PeterChristine Donna Faith Teresa Rich Steve There are more Support Group Heroes out there and I will feature them in another issueof the EmpowerSource. They are the leaders and co-leaders of the groups that are aliatedwith MS Focus. They have continued to persevere even through these dicult times. For thisI thank you from the bottom of my heart. I saw something recently that I think says it all:There is superhero in all of us. What is your super power?MMSSFFooccuussIInnttiimmaaccyyBBooookklleettIt is natural for everyone to desire aection and intimacy. Whether youare newly diagnosed or have had MS for some time, chronic illnessesand disability do not diminish these needs and desires. By approachingthe obstacles that arise from MS symptoms as challenges rather thanburdens, you can empower yourself to explore the variety of possiblesolutions.The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation oers a free booklet that touches on these obstaclesand offers possible solutions to overcome them. To request this publication as a pdf,email supportgroups@msfocus.org or if youd like a physical copy, please email:supportgroups@msfocus.org with your mailing address.5'