b'UUpplliiffttiinnggFFeeeellGGooooddPPhhrraasseessThank you to everyone who participated in the Uplifting Phrases contest. We hope youwere inspired. As always, we got dozens of wonderful entries. Thank you to everyone whoparticipated and congrats to our winners: Nothing is impossible. FFiirrssttPPllaacceeThe word itself says $20 Amazon Gift CardIm possible Elouise "Weezer" LucassenFairhope, Ala.SSeeccoonnddPPllaaccee Whatever$15 Amazon Gift Card tree you are,Rhonda Quattlebaum let it blossom.Kingstree, S.C.ThhiirrddPPllaacceeLet your dreams be bier than Tyour fears, your actions louder $10 Amazon Gift Cardthan your words, and your faithstron er than your feelin s. DebbieParker Danielsville, Ga.H $5 Amazon Gift CardHoonnoorraabblleeMMeennttiioonnssI love you. You\'re probably thinking you don\'t even know me,but if people can hate for no reason, I can love.Diane Taylor, Pacic Grove, Calif.When you feel like quitting, think about how you got started .Mildred Schwarcz, Lake Orion, Mich.Don\'t let great plans go astray. Keep on track, don\'t look back.Most all dreams will go your way.Joan Varner, Olathe, Kan.7'