b'Behind the ScenesBehind the ScenesHeroesHeroes What makes a behind the scenes superhero? Many of you may be familiar with these names.They are the people that answer the phone when you call the MS Focus Toll-Free SupportLine, the people that send out the applications and booklets, the coordinators who are assignedto your case, the coworkers that turn on our computers in the oce when ours wont work forus remotely, the people that sort the mail, the people who edit our magazine and newsletters.Without these people we could not provide services to you. While I do not have room to listthem all, I would like to thank just a few of these behind the scenes superheroes.Jane and Justine are superwomen. They answer the toll-free support line, which in itselfis a full-time job. They come in the oce three half days per week to pick up new les, sendout applications and booklets that clients have requested, and do the balance of theirwork remotely. They handle a full caseload that includes both Transportation and AssistiveTechnology clients. Their cases are entered and assigned by Alice, another MS Focussuperwoman. What would we do without Jan? The mail does not stop because of a pandemic. She makesweekly trips to drop o applications to super teammate, Gloria, so she can enter remotely.She takes care of deposits and other paperwork. I know we have all called her a time or twowhen our computers needed to be turned on. I think of her as the Invisible Woman becauseshe is everywhere even though we cant always see her. While previously only working in the support group department, both Ashton and Veronicahave become superheros and are now also answering the toll-free support line remotely. Theyassist with entering applications or processing paperwork when needed, along with changingthe multitudes of bad addresses sent from the post oce. 2'