12 msfocusmagazine.org The NewYearis here.As exciting and lovely as the holidays can be, multiple sclerosis, and its resulting symptoms, can make them stressful and fatiguing. That might mean that the holidays leave you feeling more run-down than you would otherwise, leaving you ill-prepared to start the new year afresh. While many things are outside of our control when living with MS, there are strategies that can be employed to maximize every day, and to make sure that 2018 is the bestyearpossible. That starts with a focused effort on your personal wellness. And there is no easier way to keep that focus front and center than with some New Year’s resolutions. The definition of wellness is “an active process through which people become aware of,andmakechoicestoward,amoresuccessful existence.” In other words, we are in complete control of our wellness (despite our health) and can make choices towards increased wellness. While health is a state of a body, wellness is a state of being. There are many models of wellness that include many tenets, orprinciples.The most common tenets address the physical, social, occupational, intellectual, and emotional aspects. Physical wellness When we maintain a healthy body through good nutrition, regularexercise, and avoidance of harmful habits we are working to achieve physical wellness. There are several miscon- ceptions about physical activity and MS, so let’s get some of those rumors out of the way. Research in the arena of MS has come very far in the past few years and we now know that our old thoughts about MS were incorrect. Some myths worth getting rid of include: 1. People with MS should not exercise. 2. People with MS cannot get stronger. 3. People with MS cannot improve their endurance. 4. Exercise will cause a relapse. It is possible to exercise, get stronger, and improve endurance. We also know that everyone can benefit from exercise. In fact, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has released physical activity guide- lines for all Americans ages six and older. The recommendations for adults are: 1. Some physical activity is better than none. Inactive adults should gradually increase their level of activity. People gain health benefits from as little as 60 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week. 2. For major health benefits, do at least Health & Wellness Resolutions for Wellness By Anna Berry