29 msfocusmagazine.org Working together during National MS Education and Awareness Month® and beyond National MS Education and Awareness Month is around the corner. This year’s theme, Let’s Find Better Days, highlights the progress we can make working together as a community for the benefit of everyone affected by MS. How can you get involved? This March… …and Beyond Order Your Awareness Kit This year’s kit is packed with useful resources to help you take charge of your health, get the best medical care, and be a voice for the MS community in your local area. You can also order materials to share with people who aren’t familiar with MS. Visit www.msfocus.org or call 888-MSFOCUS to order yours today. Get in the Loop You read MS Focus Magazine, but nowyou can keep up with the latest information on MSbetweenissueswithouronlinenewsletters. On our website, click Publications. MS Focus Activities Attend an Educational Event Online orin-person, MS Focus educational events bringyou informationyou can use. Dig deeper into the themes discussed in your Awareness Kit and learn practical ways to put this education to use in your life. Visit www.msfocus.org and click Events to see the current schedule. Join – or Start – a Support Group There’s no greaterway to create community among those with MS in your area than to create bonds of friendship and mutual trust withasupportgroup.CheckouttheNational Independent Support Group Directory on our website, or contact our Support Groups Program team at 888-MSFOCUS or Supportgroups@msfocus.org. Follow Us Do you follow MS Focus on Facebook? Twitter? Instagram? YouTube? Your shares, retweets, and likes increase the reach of the information we share on these social networks, and that simple act raises MS awareness. Find a list of all oursocial media profiles on page 2 of this issue. Applyto be an OutreachVolunteer MS Focus Outreach Volunteers serve as living resources for the MS community. Use your voice and your talents to help all those with MS in your area. (See the previous page for an application.)