3 msfocusmagazine.org I N T H I S I S S U E Resolve to Take the Reins from MS 10 Learn effective techniques for making – and keeping – resolutions. Resolutions for Wellness 12 Physical, social, occupational, intellectual, and emotional aspects of wellness are within your control. Hydration – What do You Really Need? 23 Do you really need eight glasses of water a day? Get the facts on hydration. Reaching Your Own Summit 24 Wendy Booker shares her experience with setting and reaching goals. Let’s Find Better Days 29 National MS Education and Awareness Month® is almost here. Find out what you can do to get involved – and stay involved. MS and Diet Choices 30 Matt Cavallo shares what he’s learned in the struggle to change his diet. Chair Yoga is for Everyone 32 Find out how to make yoga work for you, no matter your level of ability. The Two Types of Exercise for People with MS 38 Learn how to get the most out of exercise by choosing the type to meet your goals. Power to the People with MS 40 The Emergency Assistance Grant from MS Focus helps bring relief after disaster. One recipient shares her touching story. Let’s Find Better Sleep! 42 With sleep issues from MS, how can you get a better night’s rest? 2017 – A Year in Review 54 Look back at advances in our understanding of MS and see how far we’ve come. Our Focus 5 Inbox 6 Read. Watch. Listen. 8 MS Focused 9 Spotlight 16 My Story 18 Takeaways 49 RX Update 50 Doctor’s Notes 52 Empowered 56 MS Hacks 58 Play on Words 59