Anna Berry is a a physical therapist and the manager of the Multiple Sclerosis Rehabilitation and Wellness Center at the Eula C. and AndrewC. Carlos Centerat the Shepherd Center in Atlanta. She has been at the Shepherd Center for eight years, working with patients with MS for five of them. 4 Contributors Matt Cavallo is a patient experience thought leaderwho has been a keynote speaker for healthcare events across the country. He provides exclusive content for the MS Focus Magazine website. Ben Thrower is the medical director of the Andrew C. Carlos MS Institute at Shepherd Center inAtlanta, and the seniormedical advisor for MS Focus. EllenWhipplehasbeenamedical advisor with MS Focus since 2002. She is a clinical pharmacist employed as a medical affairs specialist, as well as an assistant clinical professorat the University of Georgia. Nicole Lemelle is a writer and activist. She created the My New Normals site to educate and inspire others with MS. Now she advocates for people with MS in her state and is a member of the Louisiana State Nurses Association. Dr. Jacqueline Rosenthal is a multiple sclerosis fellow at the Atlanta VA Medical Center. She isagraduateofMorehouseSchool of Medicine and completed her neurology residency at Madigan Army Medical Center. Upon assignment to Fort Benning, Ga., she served as the Neurology Service Chief at Martin Army Community Hospital from 2013 to 2017. Wendy Booker is a lifelong adventurer, author, speaker and advocate within the global MS community. She is also the founder of the Climb On! Foundation,which helps newly diagnosed people with MS. Stacy Dooreck author of SunLight Chair Yoga: yoga for everyone! and Yoga for Everyone! and creator of Sunlight Chair Yoga. Stacy has been teaching yoga since 1995. HerbKarpatkinis a board-certified neurologic clinical specialist, and a certified MS clinical specialist. He is an assistant professor of physical therapyat HunterCollege andamedicaladvisortoMS Focus. Yournamehere:MS Focus accepts submissions from voluntary contributors who have MS or work with the MS community in a professional capacity. Send inquires or submissions to: