57 msfocusmagazine.org Please welcome these newly affiliated groups: Thousand Oaks MS Support Group, Thousand Oaks, Calif. MS Brea Support Group, Brea, Calif. Arroyo Grande MS Sharing and Caring Support Group, Arroyo Grande, Calif. Stay Low Campaign MS Support Group, Snellville, Ga. Better Together MS Support Group, Menifee, Calif. The Force MS Support Group, Downey, Calif. The St. Augustine MS Support Group, St. Augustine, Fla. MS Adapters MS Support Group, Sacramento, Calif. Beaverton Ladies MS Support Group, Beaverton, Ore. Cary Area MS Support Group, Cary, N.C. Please visit our website at www.msfocus.org for the meeting dates, times, and locations or to find the support group nearest you. I highly recommend visiting our magazine website at www.msfocusmagazine.org, where you can find and read these articles in their entirety. I also recommend the following articles as well: 5 Ways to Make the Most of the New Year With MS, by Matt Cavallo; Self- management Key to Empowerment, Better Health, byJamieWazenkewitz, Kara McMullen, and Dawn Ehde; and Create an MS Free Zone, by the MS Focus staff. I hope these articles inspire and empower you to make, achieve, and keep all of your New Year’s resolutions!