12 msfocusmagazine.org Life with MS Support “When life becomes challenging, we must not simply rethink how we live, we must also open ourselves up to new and different audiences for support. Once we recognize and accept that those closest to us — family and friends — can’t always provide us the types of support we most need, then we can begin to give ourselves permission to meaningfully care for ourselves and make sense of our everyday experiences.” Zachary White, Ph.D. Author and CaregiverAdvocate “Rely on a ‘Safety Person.’ The worst time to explain the struggle to cope with MS is when you are experiencing it. If you have cognitive or physical impediments from MS [or both] then share – in advance – about your MS moments and specific strategies to get you to a calm and safe place. Whether this trusted person notices your cognitive fog or dragging leg, they won’t require a detailed MS explanation to guide you to an ice cold glass of water, a chair or uninterrupted quiet and reassurance.” Jeffrey N. Gingold, Author and MS Advocate