53 msfocusmagazine.org MS Focus takes pride in being one of your trusted resources for information related to all things MS. Our goal is to provide resources for the MS community, not only those living with MS, but also caregivers and healthcare providers. An often overlooked resource tends to be other people with MS. Being part of a supportgroupcanhelpyouphysically,mentally, and emotionally, but support groups also give you the opportunity to help others. Here are a few things you should know about support groups: • Support groups are a place to share your experiences and be understood. • Support groups are a place to find and make friends. • Support groups are also good for your carepartner to attend – where they can talk to people, share their experiences and be understood. • But most of all, support groups are great place for you to give back to your community. Believe it or not, there is someone who can benefit from your experience, the knowledge and information you possess, and perhaps even your smile on a day when they need it most. ForgroupsthataremembersoftheMSFocus Independent Support Group Network, the benefits only grow from there. Here are some things you should know about our Support Group Program: • MS Focus provides ongoing, one-on-one phone and email support to group leaders and co-leaders. • MS Focus provides funding for light refreshments, meeting supplies, and special events or projects. • MS Focus provides Welcome Kits for group members, complete with information about MS and how MS Focus can help. • MS Focus releases a quarterly newsletter, EmpowerSource, which features stories aboutsupportgroupsfromaroundthecountry. Yours could be featured, too. Sign up to receive the EmpowerSource newsletterand tune in to MS Focus Radio every Sunday to hear us chat with a group leader during EmpowerSource Live! Considerjoining orstarting a support group in your area, and continue to be empowered as you move toward the New Year. Starting a support group is easy and we are here to help. Simply contact us at 888-673-6287 or supportgroups@msfocus.org. Please welcome these newly affiliated groups: CSRA Brothers and Sisters with MS Support Group – Augusta, Ga. Standing Up to MS Support Group – Loudon, Tenn. Clovis Multiple Sclerosis Self Help Group – Clovis, N.M. Little Canada MS Support Group – St. Paul, Minn. Meet and Share MS Support Group – Wasua, Wis. Hudson County MS Support Group – Jersey City, N.J. Please visit our website at www.msfocus.org for the meeting dates, times, and locations or to find the support group nearest you. By Kathryn Bradbury Life With MS