18 msfocusmagazine.org Symptom Management To prevent relapses and increase your energy levels: • Get at least eight hours of sleep each night. • Eat a well-balanced diet low in sugar, preservatives, artificial ingredients with several servings of fruit and vegetables daily. • Move! Get at least 20 to 30 minutes of exercise every day. Tailor it to your ability to safely move. Adapt to sitting position if necessary. There are tons of resources to help you do that. • Tend your spirit: Take a minimum of five to ten minutes every day for you. Relax, center, be aware of your breathing and heartbeat. Find something for which to be grateful and bring that thing to mind throughout your day. • Never miss a dose of your medicine. In meds that are taken at least once weekly and especially those that are taken daily, the effect tapers down after a missed dose and for some, that can trigger a relapse. • Avoid being around smoke, especially if you live with a smoker, and quit if you are a smoker. People who smoke and live with smokers tend to have their disability progress at a rate close to double compared to those with MS who live in a smoke-free environment. • Volunteer: Helping others helps create a greater sense of well-being and accomplishment. A healthy emotional state leads to greater physical health. • Find something that gives you joy whether it be a hobby, or interacting with others, and do it regularly. For more tips on how to do any of these, please contact MS Focus or feel free to email me to see how I manage to keep relapses at bay at cheriemscn@gmail.com A Nurse’s Guide to Preventing Relapses By Cherie Binns Hannah-Mai Stockley: I wish I had known about all the things I use today that help make everything as a chronic illness warrior easier: products, diet, exercise, supplements, and so much more. I wear stasis socks for balance. I use high-quality meal replacements, numbing cream on my injection sites, yoga. Also, to take my vitamin D with some source of fat. Rachel Cartwright: Napping! I take a nap or rest break every afternoon for at least an hour. This has been wonderful and I no longer take my Adderall for exhaustion. Cherie Binns: I wish I'd known that what they were telling me, "You can't get back what you've lost," was not true. It would have saved a lot of heartache. I am better now than I was when I found out I had MS 24 years ago by a long shot! What do you wish you had known about MS when diagnosed?