It is always a joy to read the letters in MS Focus Magazine in recognition of the services provided by the management and staff of the organization who are regularly visible to the MS community. There is another group of people, however, who seldom are mentioned, but have much to do with the operation and success of the organization. This group is our voluntary, un-compensated Board of Directors. One memberof this group is Mr. Bill Sheehan, a retired banker from Chicago, who oversees our financial management. I am pleased to announce that Bill has recently been honored with the “Distinguished Alumni Award” by his alma matter, the University of Miami, for being one who has brought “…distinction to themselves, credit to the University and benefit to their communities…” Bill and his wife, Peggy, are long-time close friends of ours, and Bill, thanks to his long-standing financial experience, has been a valuable participant in our direction and oversight of the MS Focus organization. Sincere thanks to Bill Sheehan for being an important part in making life better for so many. Eric Schenck, President/Chairman 19 MS Focus Activities MS FOCUS BOARD MEMBER RECEIVES PRESTIGEOUS AWARD