37 msfocusmagazine.org MS Focus is Celebrating National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month® this March. The theme for 2019 is “Flex Your MS Muscle” because you have the power, bothfigurativelyandliterally,totransformyourlifeandthelivesofotherswithMS. Here’s how you can play a crucial role in creating a positive change: • Request a free MS awareness kit with all the materials you need to spread the word about MS. Click on Get Involved, then Awareness Campaigns on our site. • Spread awareness on social media. Make a fist, hold out your arm and flex your muscle. Snap a photo and use #FlexMSMuscle to show others you are fighting MS. • Attend one of our free MS educational programs to learn practical ways to advocate for yourself, exercises for MS and political advocacy. Visit the events calendar on our site for locations or attend a free educational teleconference wherever you are. www.msfocus.org