4 msfocusmagazine.org Contributors Darbi Haynes-Lawrence is an associate professor at Western Kentucky University in the Child andFamilyStudiesunit.Darbi has multiple sclerosis and uses her experiences as a researcher and a person living with MS to educate as many people as possible about the disease. In the spring of 2015, Darbi and her student, Niah Soult, wrote and illustrated a children's book for MS Focus, A Conversation about Multiple Sclerosis: Making Sense out of M.S. Karen Jackson serves on the engagement committee of iConquerMS. Since 2006 she has volunteered with the Greater DC - Maryland Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. She is a district activist leader and a member of the Virginia Chapter Government Relations Advisory Council. She was awarded the National Capital’s 2007 MS Ambassador of the Year Award. In 2011 Karen was inducted into the Society’s Advocacy Hall of Fame. Carolyn Kaufman is a holistic stress management coach and shares her story of losing more than 145 pounds and eliminating the daily symptoms of her multiple sclerosis. Since her last major flare, she has hiked mountains, traveled internationally, and it has been more than three years since she last used her cane. Connect with her on instagram @WithoutTheWeight or visit her website at www.WithoutTheWeight.com. Dr. Michael J. Bradshaw graduated from Mayo Clinic School of Medicine and went on to complete his neurology residency at Vanderbilt University, completing additional training in multiple sclerosis and autoimmune neurology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. Dr. Bradshaw co-runs the only National Multiple Sclerosis Society Center for Comprehensive Care in Montana. He is an assistant professor of neurology at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science. Cherie Binns has been a registered nurse since 1973. In 1994 she was diagnosed with MS, and received the MSCN certification nine years later. For the past 15 years, Cherie has operated a home-based patient advocacy business helping people identify the questions needed to be asked of their healthcare team. MariaHoutchensisanassistantprofessoratHarvardMedicalSchool,aneurologist at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and a director of the Women’s Health Program atAnn RomneyCenterforNeurologic Diseases/Partners MS Center. She is known for her work on pregnancy management and women’s health in multiple sclerosis. Dr. Houtchens can be reached at mhoutchens@partners.org