b'Editor-in-ChiefKasey MinnisProduction ManagerTerry SchenkerEditorChristopher C. PaineContributing StaffNatalie BlakeDebra FormanMarcia HarrisKimani HendricksChris HudspethDerrick LeeMarsha ProninSarah TedescoExecutive LeadershipStatement of Purpose Alan SegaloffThe purpose of MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis FoundationspublicationsistoempowerthoseaffectedbyMSto Medical Consultantsmakethemosteducateddecisionsconcerningtheir Ben Thrower, M.D.healthcare. We do not advocate or endorse any specific Ellen Whipple, Pharm.D.treatments, healing modalities, or practitioners. The materialin this publication is for informational purposes only. Forspecific advice, please consult a healthcare professional.MS Focus Magazine is published quarterly in enlarged type for the benefit of our readers. Audio versions of featured articles are available for listening or download on www.msfocusradio.org.MS Focus Magazine is a free publication for individuals with MS, their families, and others interestedin MS. Looking for articles from back issues?Find our archive and web-exclusive content at msfocusmagazine.orgmsfocusmagazine.org 2'