b'IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT MAVENCLAD (cladribine) tablets, for oral useRead this information carefully before using It is not known if MAVENCLAD is safe and eective inMAVENCLAD and each time you get a rell, as there children under 18 years of age.may be new information. This information does not take Do not take MAVENCLAD if you:the place of talking with your healthcare provider (HCP).What is the most important information I should know ohave cancer (malignancy). about MAVENCLAD? oare pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or areMAVENCLAD can cause serious side e\x7fects, including: a woman of childbearing age or a man able to father oRisk of cancer (malignancies). Treatment with a child and you are not using birth control. SeeWhat is the most important information I shouldMAVENCLAD may increase your risk of developing know about MAVENCLAD?cancer. Talk to your healthcare provider about yourrisk of developing cancer if you receive MAVENCLAD. oare human immunodeciency virus (HIV) positive.You should follow your healthcare provider ohave active infections, including tuberculosis (TB), instructions about screening for cancer. hepatitis B or C.oMAVENCLAD may cause birth defects if used during o pregnancy. Females must not be pregnant when are allergic to cladribine.oare breastfeeding. See Before you take MAVENCLAD,they start treatment with MAVENCLAD or becomepregnant during MAVENCLAD dosing and within tell your healthcare provider about all of your6 months after the last dose of each yearly medical conditions, including if you: treatment course. Stop your treatment with Before you take MAVENCLAD, tell your healthcareMAVENCLAD and call your healthcare provider provider about all of your medical conditions,right away if you become pregnant during including if you:treatment with MAVENCLAD.oFor females who are able to become pregnant: think you have an infection.ohave heart failure. Your healthcare provider should order apregnancy test for you before you begin your ohave liver or kidney problems. rst and second yearly treatment course of ohave taken, take, or plan to take medicines thatMAVENCLAD to make sure that you are notpregnant. Your healthcare provider will decide aect your immune system or your blood cells, orwhen to do the test. other treatments for MS. Certain medicines canincrease your risk of getting an infection. Use eective birth control (contraception) on the ohave had a recent vaccination or are scheduled todays on which you take MAVENCLAD and for atleast 6 months after the last dose of each yearly receive any vaccinations. You should not receive livetreatment course. or live-attenuated vaccines within the 4 to 6 weekspreceding your treatment with MAVENCLAD. Youshould not receive these types of vaccines duringTalk to your healthcare provider if you use oralcontraceptives (the pill). your treatment with MAVENCLAD and until yourou should use a second method of birth controlhealthcare provider tells you that your immuneY on the days on which you take MAVENCLAD andsystem is no longer weakened.for at least 4 weeks after your last dose of each ohave or have had cancer.yearly treatment course.oare breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not For males with female partners who are able toknown if MAVENCLAD passes into your breast milk.become pregnant: Do not breastfeed on the days on which you takeUse eective birth control (contraception) during MAVENCLAD, and for 10 days after the last dose.the days on which you take MAVENCLAD and See Do not take MAVENCLAD if you:for at least 6 months after the last dose of each Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicinesyearly treatment course. you take, including prescription and over-the-counter What is MAVENCLAD? medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.MAVENCLAD is a prescription medicine used to treat How should I take MAVENCLAD?relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS), to includerelapsing remitting disease and active secondaryoLimit contact with your skin. Avoid touching yourprogressive disease, in adults. Because of its safety nose, eyes and other parts of the body. If you getprole, MAVENCLAD is generally used in people who MAVENCLAD on your skin or on any surface, wash ithave tried another MS medicine that they could not right away with water.tolerate or that has not worked well enough. oTake MAVENCLAD at least 3 hours apart from other MAVENCLAD is not recommended for use in people medicines taken by mouth during the 4- to 5-daywith clinically isolated syndrome (CIS). MAVENCLAD treatment week.'