b'Additionally,Dianereceivedalargebillin Whenaskedwhatwordwouldsumupherthemailafterherinfusioncenterchanged entireexperience,shesaid,Heard.Ifeellikeproviderswithout notice to her. Receiving thequestionsandfeedbackIreceivedfromlargebillsunexpectedlyisnotonlynancially bothmembersandstaerswereintelligent,straining,butaddsenormousstresstothose engagedandgenuine.alreadylivingwithachronicillness.DianecametoWashington,D.C.,soshe IfyouareinterestedinbecominganMScouldexpressherneedsassomeoneliving activistorgettinginvolvedinlegislationthatwithmultiplesclerosis.Shewashappywith aectsthoselivingwithMS,youcanreachhow her experience ended and said, My DianeviaherocialFacebookPage,Dianemeetingswereincredible,allveofthem.Ifeltcondentandempowered. Kramer,oronTwitter,@TheDianeKramer.How do you naviBate vision-related MSsymptoms in your daily life?Jessica Ann Jarsak: I see a neuro-ophthalmologist for the optic neuritis I had in my left eye three yearsago, which left me with blurred vision and some gray patchiness. Somehow I got through that year andtrained my eyes to work together, and since my right eye is good, I mostly see with my right eye. Myeye specialist keeps an eye on my condition making sure optic neuritis doesnt aect me again orcome back to aect me more or in both eyes. That way he can catch it early enough if it happens again.For the most part, I just tolerate it day-to-day. Theres also some mild problems seeing in certain placeswhere there is pallor, and dizziness and o balance. I just deal with it. And have had PT to help me withit. I also use humor and my faith in God to get me through each day.Alicia Hopkins: I pray. Vision was my rst symptom. At the age of 25 I had 20/20 vision and one dayit all just changed. I have a pale optic nerve in my left eye. Im very careful when driving just becausemy left eye is 20/400. All I can do is have hope that my vision stays stable and that one day Ill get myvision back.23 msfocusmagazine.org'