b'continueadaptinglifetomeettheirown Teleconferencesabilities.Gibsonsays,MSdoesnotprohibitwhatIdowithmylifetoday.Ienjoymylife Our2020NationalMSEducationandandkeepitfullwithactivitiesandfun. AwarenessMonthteleconferenceserieshadMarch 12: Birmingham itall!presented by Dr. Jodi Cavin, PT, Positive Self Image for People with MSand MS advocate. FrederickW.Foley,Ph.D.Professorofpsychology,Dr.JodiCavin,aphysicaltherapistand YeshivaUniversity,FerkaufGraduateSchoolMSadvocate,sharedherexperiencesafter ofPsychology.beingdiagnosedandhowherprofileof How to Evaluate if Internet Health Sitesmultiplesclerosisvariesdependinguponher are Providing Valid Informationsurroundings."Athome,withmyhusband HollieSchmidt,MSAcceleratedCureProject.andchildren,IwantvisibilityofMStobeas Decision Making Skills: How to determinesmall aspossible.Iwasfortunatetoget if your skills are compromiseddiagnosed before I had kids, sowhen my Darin T. Okuda, M.D., F.A.A.N., F.A.N.A. medicationarrives,it\'sjustMomsBox. Professorofneurologyandneurotherapeutics,Jodialsosharedhowherstatusofvisibility UTSouthwesternMedicalCenteratDallas.playsalesserroleatwork,whileinherchurch How to Work Eectively with yourorcommunity,shegivespresentations,has Carepartnerlearnedtoletgoofwhatothersmightthinkof RosalindKalb,Ph.D.Clinicalpsychologist,her,andnowknowswhentobemorevocal. seniorprogramsconsultantforCanDoImlearningthevalueofaskingforhelp.The MultipleSclerosis.valueofsaying,Imhavingaproblem.Specialistsareonlyasgoodaswhatinformation Find these great teleconferences:weprovideforthem,soI\'vegottospeakup on-demand at msfocusradio.org.formyself.I\'mworthspeakingupfor." or on our YouTube channel .How do you naviBate vision-related MSsymptoms in your daily life?Carrie Hersel: I developed an eye disease due to taking steroids for MS exacerbation. I wish peoplewould be more aware of what can aect their vision. Its too late for me. I have central serous retinopathy.Both eyes and multiple times with permanent black and wavy spots in both eyes. For now, I avoidsteroids at all costs and inform my doctors as to why. I now read warnings before taking new medication.Nancy Raduns-Washil: My vision is worsening over time. I have three pairs of reading glasses alldierent strengths! My eyesight gets worse as the day goes on.Yaa Yaa Asante:I try not to stress and overheat. Reading glasses help with my blurred vision when tryingto see things up close. My vision gets blurred, but not to the point of being blind. I just live with it. 25 msfocusmagazine.org'