b'they were having a bad day with their MS? Show yourself the same consideration you would show others, and allow yourself to have a bad day or to step back from something you arent able to handle if your circumstances change. Remember that stress is bad for your MS, and dont compound the problem by pushing yourself too hard. Others in the MS community will understandtheyve been there themselves. 5. Dont neglect other aspects of your lifePerhaps the most essential tool when it comes to avoiding burnout is time away, particularly doing other things you enjoy or that enrich you. Spend time on a hobby. Meet up with friends. Spend time in nature. Watch a game show. Study a language. Join one of the Foundations online Health and Wellness classes. Whatever you choose to do, the important thing is to give yourself time to resetmentally, physically, and emotionallyon a regular basis.Online Health and Wellness Classes Through the MS Focus Health and Wellness Program, you can join a variety of weekly online programs from the comfort of your home, all designed for people with multiple sclerosis, but where the focus is on your well-being, not your MS. Join us for adaptive dance, chair yoga, art therapy, and more. Visit msfocus.org/events to learn more. National MS Education and Awareness Month Activities Because of a paper shortage, you are receiving our annual toolkit while our National MS Education and Awareness Month Activities are underway. Please visit msfocus.org/events to see our upcoming educational programs. Visit youtube.com/c/MultipleSclerosisFoundation/videos to find recordings of pro-grams that have already been held. We would like to thank our speakers and our sponsors for supporting educational programs on timely topics during March. Tyler Campbell Redening Yourself with MS Deborah Backus, PT,Ph.D,FACRM-ACRMParticipating in Clinical Trials Katrina Bawden,MSN, MSCN, FNP-C,Everything You Need To Know About MS Panel Discussion How to be a MS Advocate Adam Chaifetz,DC, MSCSAccess To Care Amber Landers, Ph.DHealth Equity 9'