b'Who are the people who will best relate to your circumstances and challenges? With whom might you have shared goals? Use the following worksheet to help guide your thought process.1. I identify as a _________________________________________________________ with MS.(Your answer can be anything that represents how you think of yourself and your space within the MS community. For example, an artist with MS, a parent with MS, a student with MS, a woman with MS, a Deaf person with MS, a person of color with MS, an advocate with MS, an athlete with MS, etc. ) 2. The way I would most like to participate in the MS community is ___________________. (This could be joining a support group or online community, supporting a nonprot, participating in research, joining a fundraiser, or working on an advocacy project, etc.) 3 What I feel I bring to the MS community is ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What I hope to get from my participation in the MS community is ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Throughout the rest of this booklet, youll nd proles of individuals with MS who have found their place within the MS community, and learn what that connection has meant for them. Use your own answers to the worksheet to guide you when searching for community. For example, if you identify as a single parent with MS, you could search that particular phrasesingle parent with multiple sclerosis. You might be surprised to nd articles, blogs, online groups, and even a small nonprot dedicated to helping people in your particular situation. Where to Find Your Community Try entering a specic phrase about your identity and MS into a search engine.Search networking sites - such as Facebook, Patients Like Me, My MS Team, and MS Connection - for groups or individuals that share your interests.Reach out to the authors of blogs, vlogs, and articles that you identify with to ask where they nd community.Contact MS Focus to learn about our Support Groups Program and our online groups for people with MS and their care-partners.4'