b"Many different types of people within the MS community experience health inequities, which lead to serious disparities in the state of their health. Consider these points: Children with MS have less access to appropriate MS specialists than adults and fewer treatment options, because many treatment options for MS have not been studied in children.People of color are less likely to have access to insurance coverage than their Caucasian counterparts. In particular, African-Americans are about twice as likely to be uninsured as non-Hispanic white persons.Men are less likely to be treated for depression than women, even though the percentage of people who experience depression is similar in both groups. Research shows men are more likely to be treated appropriately for pain, where womens pain is often treated as a mental health condition, rather than a physical one. Nearly 1 in 5 Latinos have avoided medical care because of a concern of being discriminated against or treated poorly.Two-thirds of doctors noted that symptoms were less likely to be investigated in elderly patients. Residents of impoverished neighborhoods or communities are at increased risk for mental illness, chronic disease, higher mortality, and lower life expectancy.The reasons behind these inequities are complex. But from just these few examples, it is clear that healthcare inequities affect a broad range of people. So healthcare inequities must be everyones concern.Keep Learning Learn more about health equity, and the many factors that contribute to inequities and disparities. Try these resources: Robert Johnson Wood FoundationAchieving Health Equity rwjf.org/en/library/features/achieving-health-equity.htmlLearn more about the causes and effects of health inequities. Health Equity Tracker healthequitytracker.orgExplore maps of a variety of social health determinants from the Satcher Health Leadership Institute of the Morehouse School of Medicine.Our NMSEAM Educational Programs youtube.com/c/MultipleSclerosisFoundation/videosView educational programs from this awareness month and more on the Foundation's YouTube channel.17"