b"My name is Ashley M. Ratcliff I identify as a bestselling author and blogger with MS. The place I most actively participate in the MS community is my blog (AshleyAdores.com), my book website (Ashley TheAuthor.com), on Instagram (@ashleyadores), and fundraising for the National MS Society's Walk MS (been a top 10 fundraiser for the Long Beach, Calif. walk for the past three years). What I feel I bring to the MS community is a voice for the under-represented within the community. As a Black woman living with MS, I make sure I share what life with the chronic illness is like from my lens. I also bring hope, inspiration, and practical tips for those newly diagnosed through my self-help memoir, Jesus Year, which became a bestseller on Amazon last year. What I feel I get from my participation in the MS community is feeling seen and a sense of belonging. Not everyone understands what its like to live with a chronic illness like MS, and its difficult when your illness is invisible. I am affirmed when fellow MS warriors share what their journey is like. It makes me feel less alone. My name is Cherie C. Binns, RN, MSCN I identify as healthcare professional with MS. The way I most actively participate in the MS community is by writing for MS Focus Magazine, administering the MS Focus Facebook groups, presenting programs on living better with MS, and trying to follow my own advice to others. What I feel I bring to the MS community is experience. Twenty years ago, I was scooter dependent and on SSDI. I am now fully ambulatory and working nearly full-time well past retirement. Since the advent of DMTs, we are truly seeing the possibilities for longevity and productivity for people with MS well into post-retirement years. What I feel I get from my participation in the MS community is the satisfaction that others will not feel as alone as I did because I am there to walk with them. My name is Laura Kolaczkowski I identify as a person living with MS who is making a difference. The place I most actively participate in the MS community: in addition to writing for MultipleSclerosis.net for almost 10 years as a patient expert, I also am the lead patient representative for iConquerMS, a community of people living with MS who are committed to changing the research dialogue. What I feel I bring to the MS community is my passion and commitment to making change in the way we view people with a chronic disease and the contributions we all can make. What I feel I get from my participation in the MS community is the sense that my contributions, both big and small, are making a difference in improving life for people affected by MS.5"