b'Addressing Inequity Your voice is needed in support of health equity. Yet, with so many factors contributing to inequity, it can seem overwhelming to know where to start advocating for change. So what can you do?Review the advice on pages 8-9 for achieving balance instead of burnout. Assess the opportunities for advocacy before committing, prioritize the issues that you are most passionate about, set reasonable limits on the time and energy you can commit, and take time for self-care.Here are some suggestions for ways you can advocate for health equity:Get involved in research.For research to apply to all types of people, all types of people must participate in research. Women and people of color are signicantly under-represented in clinical trials. If you cannot participate in clinical trials, share information and encourage others who can. Key Resource: U.S. National Library of Medicine - Clinical Trials:clinicaltrials.gov Be politically activeSupport legislation that addresses healthcare inequity or underlying causes, such as poverty, lack of education, poor nutrition, or limited access to health services. Reach out to your legislators and let them know how you feel. Key Resource: National Patient Advocate Foundation: npaf.org/get-involvedWork toward change in your community.Seek out local groups working to directly address inequities. Whether its attending a city council meeting to call for better paratransit services for disabled persons or volunteering for a program to improve health literacy in your county, a few hours of your time can make a big difference.Key Resource: USA.gov-Local Government Search Tool: usa.gov/local-governmentsFight discrimination.If you feel you arent getting the care you deserve because of discrimination, speak up. Whether the bias is because of your gender, age, weight, skin color, sexual orientation, religion, or some other reason, let people know that you wont be accept being devalued. Health is a human right. Key Resource: The Speak Up! Campaign Against Discrimination jointcommission.org/resources/for-consumers/speak-up-campaigns/against-discrimination18'