b'Common Issues with Access to CareLets look at two specic issues related to access to care that are common in the MS community and discuss strategies that can help. 1. Finding a good doctor when your options are limitedThere are many factors that may make it challenging to nd healthcare providers who have the necessary expertise in MS and with whom you feel comfortable. How do you begin to nd providers who suit your needs and circumstances?Begin with the MS organizations. Whether you call or search the available online directories, MS organizations can help you nd the professionals with expertise in your area. An MS center is the gold standard of care, so rst visit the Consortium of MS Centers member directory to see where the closest center is. Key Resource: MS Center Directory: mscare.org/search/custom.asp?id=881Access Challenge: Your Location What if there is no MS center near you? See if there is a center that is close enough for you to visit one to two times a year. Often, MS specialists at these centers are willing to see you for these regular visits, while coordinating your care through a local neurologist as needed. If you are not close to an MS center, next seek a community neurologist who specializes in MS or has experience with MS patients. You may benet from asking the opinions of others with MS in your local area. Seek out a support group or ask opinions in online MS discussion groups.Asking the opinions of others is also helpful when there are multiple options in your area or if you are seeking to replace a doctor that isnt a good t. How do you know who will be the best choice for you? Ask about the length of time it takes to get an appointment, how long the doctor spends with a patient on each visit, whether the doctors patients feel heard, or other details that are important to you.Key Resource: MS Focus National Independent Support Group Directory: msfocus.org/Get-Help/Support-Groups.aspxAccess Challenge: Insurance Status If you are uninsured and unable to pay for a doctors visit, necessary testing, and prescription medications, do not give up on nding the care you need. You may have to work with several organizationsfrom your countys Community Health Center or local charities to MS organization and copay fundsbut you should be able to nd care. Begin with your local Community Health Center. Apply for services and see if you qualify. Your CHC might also assist you in applying for Medicaid if they believe you may qualify. If you do not qualify for free or low-cost services through your CHC, reach out to contacts in the MS community. Ask about providers who work on a sliding scale or offer discounts for self-pay patients. Once you know the provider you would like to use, reach out to MS Focus and other MS nonprots for guidance on nding funding. 12'