b"How do you know what to research and where? Researching treatments can be intimidating since not all information on the Internet can be considered reliable. It is important to do your homework, but to also involve your healthcare community in your research. After doing your own detective work, you can bring the information to your healthcare provider and ask questions. Your voice should always matter in the decisions being made for your health. To help prepare you to discuss MS treatments, here are some resources to navigate during your research.nationalmssociety.org/Treating-MS/MedicationsProvides an overview of medications used as disease-modifying therapies, as well as those commonly used for symptom management.mymsaa.org/ms-information/treatments/guide/Provides an in-depth guide to disease-modifying treatments and a comparison tool that allows you evaluate medications side-by-side.msfocus.org/Newsletters-Publications.aspxSign up for the MS Focus on Research newsletter to get the latest news about new studies and treatments in your inbox each month, and for the MS Focus on Programs newsletter to learn the dates and times of our monthly Ask the MS Expert question and answer session and other educational events.Getting nancial help to afford your careYour journey through MS requires different support systems. Having emotional support from your loved ones, receiving the support and understanding of your healthcare community, and having nancial support can all help to make the journey a bit less lonesome. But where can you nd nancial support? Medical costs aren't restricted only to medications, and as we all know, those costs can add up fast. Each person is going through their journey differently and requires different types of treatments. These can range from DMTs, physical therapy, more frequent neurologist visits, and many other types of medical care available today. Here are some available resources that you may be eligible for to provide nancial relief. 1. MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation offers the following grants that can be of use at different times in your journey. Emergency Assistance Grantthis grant can be used in case of emergencies with rent or utilities in your home.Healthcare Assistance Grantfor the uninsured, this grant can assist with one visit to your neurologist, along with one follow-up visit. The Assistive Technology Programthis program can help locate, partially fund, or provide full funding for a device that can help you have a more independent lifestyle.Transportation Assistance GrantThis grant provides transportation to and from neurologist visits or infusion centers, as well as funding for reasonable paratransit fees.12"