b'The MS Community Today As human beings, we are programmed to build relationships and eventually support systems through those relationships. Research shows that having a strong support system has many positive benefits, such as better coping skills and a longer and healthier life. We all need support in one form or another, whether it is emotional, nancial, or mental. By giving and receiving support, it allows us to feel as if we are part of a community. Online and In-Person Support In a world dominated by technology and social media, the way we form relationships has changed. That can feel lonely at times. Interaction used to consist of face-to-face conversations, where you could see the other persons body language, show emotions with your body language, or even laugh while standing within six feet of one another.In the past few years, this type of interaction has diminished for the sake of everyones well-being. Instead, we have formed online support groups that allow two people to connectfromdifferentsidesofthe world. Thesesupportgroupscommunicate through different platforms such as Zoom or Facebook. And though this form of support group is readily available to everyone, some in-person support groups are slowly beginning to meet again. The world and everyone in it are trying to create a safe and new normal. So how can you become more involved in online and in-person groups? Perhaps you already are a member of a group or many groups but would like to increase awareness or play a larger active role. Maybe you have heard about these groups but hesitate to join because you do not know what to expect. Or, you would like to give and offer support but do not know where to start. The following tips and pointers can help you no matter your role in your support groups. Joining a Group Reach out. Join Facebook groups that have a national role in multiple sclerosis. This allows you to meet people from different areas, learn their stories and share yours as well. As a bonus, they can ease any hesitations you may have in joining a local group.Be on the lookout. Look for yers or Google MS Support Groups near me. Perhaps youll be surprised to see there is a community waiting for you. 14'