b'2. Good Days offers programs to assist with their medications, health insurance, and transportation costs. They offer nancial assistance to MS patients prescribed a disease-modifying drug. Premium Assistance Program that helps patients nd, and pay for, appropriate health insurance coverage. The Good Days Travel Concierge Program offers transportation services for preapproved medical appointments to obtain treatment. 3. The Assistance Fund offers programs to help with copay for medications, as well as nancial assistance for monthly health insurance premiums. They offer nancial support to individuals with MS who need help paying for their out-of-pocket expenses for approved specialty medications covered by insurance. The Assistance Fund Health Insurance Premium Assistance Program offers nancial assistance to individuals who need help paying for their monthly health insurance premiums. 4. The Healthwell Foundation (for Medicare patients only) They provide nancial assistance to individuals with MS, who need help paying for out-of-pocket costs related to approved disease-modifying therapies. They help patients eligible for health insurance who cannot afford the insurance premiums. 5. Patient Advocate Fund (state support) While this program does not offer direct nancial assistance for individuals with MS, they are a good resource to help you nd funding within your state.If you need assistance beyond these resources, please do not hesitate to reach out to your local support groups to nd out what has worked for others in your community. No task is ever accomplished alone. Financial assistance can alleviate some of the stress that coincides with this journey, and there is always help available to those who want it. How has your experience with MS changed personally, with your healthcare community, or with support groups in the past few years?Mary (Support Group leader and Attorney): Everyone is so happy to be back in person. During the height of the pandemic, it was almost a dark time for many people. When meeting via Zoom, people would say it was isolating. People missed that in-person interaction. The people in the support group have tried to be more active in the community, to raise awareness since the pandemic, and this has been great to see.Jeffrey: For the past two years, I train people who have MS. As the seasons changed, we worked out outside just to keep it going. Not many people were virtually attending these sessions due to safety reasons. Work was more difficult because of the pandemic and safety factors, but people are now looking for ways to get back into their lifestyle. The support groups have been virtually happening more, there are more active support groups occurring.13'