b'The Physical Symptoms of MSThe physical symptoms during are-ups may create a range of emotions from frustrating to debilitating, and you may not know where you will end up on the spectrum in advance. These emotions can exacerbate the physical symptoms further, putting you in a loop of challenging moments. Lets go through some techniques that can help you with some of the common physical symptoms exhibited on the difficult days. Confusion, brain fog: Rest as much as you can. When starting your day, be patient with yourself. Plan a light day, lled with tasks that you nd easier to do than others. Do one task at a time in a quiet room, away from noises and distractions. When speaking to loved ones, ask them to speak slower, giving you more time to understand and respond. Balance and coordination issues, dizziness: Limit your movements as much as you can. Rise slowly from a seated to standing position, using armchairs, assistive walking devices, or having someone support you. Take deep breaths throughout the day, centering yourself to the best of your ability.Numbness and tingling: Massage the area or have a caretaker assist. Use distractions to help take your mind off the sensation, like watching an episode of your favorite show, looking at old videos or photos, or talking to someone on the phone. If you are feeling a burning or aching in the area, apply a warm compress to relieve the aching.Fatigue: Plan your day with intermittent breaks throughout. Stay hydrated and if possible, do some light stretching. Take a small walk or exercise. If exercise is not an option, open a window and enjoy the fresh air for 5-10 minutes.These tips and tricks may work for some and for others, it may not help with exacerbations of the symptoms. Perhaps trying them at different times may help to center yourself. Practicing mindfulness can help in keeping you grounded during the better days and the difficult ones. Go at your pace and consult with your healthcare community throughout the process.7'