b'Being resilient through the difficultiesThe denition of resiliency is the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties. While it is not easy to recover quickly from any MS are-up, the more effectively you deal with those moments, the greater your resiliency becomes. Use the following worksheet to guide you in nding new coping techniques for dealing with the hard days. When I know I am having a are-up, I feel ____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________. (Fill this sentence with as many emotions you feel during those times. They can be positive feelings or negative ones, but they are yours to write.) My difficult moments look like _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________.(Your answer can be anything that you associate with these are-ups, such as the symptoms you are exhibiting or the limitations your body has set on you.)The one thing I want my loved ones to know on my challenging day is __________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________. One thought for me to keep in mind on a difficult day is ________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________. On hard days, the coping style(s) I typically use are ______avoidant______instrumental______psychologicalSome additional ways I could try to cope are ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________. By identifying how you feel in these moments, you are giving it a meaning that can be put into words. Naming the feelings and then remembering they are moments or days rather than a permanent situation can help guide you through the emotions that come with the symptoms.5'