b'Dr. Werfel adds that Schwartz and other researchers have found that effective coping is characterized by exibility rather than using one specic style or strategy. Coping exibility is the ability to recognize what is working and when what one is doing is not working and nd a new approach through purposive trial and error.As a person with MS, you may particularly need to be flexible in your coping techniques, because your abilities to cope may change from day to day. How can you manage such unpredictability? Taking advantage of easier daysAs the saying goes: you cannot pour from an empty cup; take care of yourself rst. This is always easier said than done, especially in the moments where your body is feeling differently than your mind. Maybe yesterday you had a great day where you were able to cook meals, go for a walk, or catch up with loved ones. You nished every errand on your to-do list and still had time for yourself. Yesterday was one of those days that everything felt right with the world. Yet, today seems like the opposite. Today, your body is feeling fatigue, you may be experiencing numbness and tingling in areas, or you just cannot concentrate your mind on one thought. Today seems as if yesterday was a dream, one that you want to go back to. Is it possible that doing so much one day, left you with much less energy for the next day? Remember, both days are normal when your body is ghting an ongoing battle with itself. So, ask yourself, what can you do to make the most of your energy lled days? Resist the urge to overachieve, trying to accomplish all the things you have been putting off to the side, big or small. Pace yourself. Prioritize whats most important, but include enjoyment in that list.Think ahead and try to do one thing on a day that you have more energy that will make a day with an exacerbation of symptoms easier. You might include things like these: Cook an extra meal that you can freeze for use on a difficult day. Restock any supplies you might need around the area where you typically recuperate, such as healthy snacks, reading material, medicines, etc. Make a contingency plan for days where you need extra help by talking to friends and family about ways they can pitch in. Get vital tasks done in advance. For example, write checks for bills that only have to be mailed at the appropriate time, or schedule online bill payments for a future date. If youre having a difficult day, when its time for these tasks to be handled, youll be glad you had things ready to go. Can the benets of the good moments last longer, even if it means lasting longer in your memory? Take a look at the following tips to guide you in making the positive moments more memorable, so you can draw on those happy memories in difficult times. Write down three things you are grateful for today. Take pictures of the things that make you happy. 3'