b'download episodes and save them for future listening. And, if you enjoy educational webinars, you can register for them in advance and follow the social media account that promotes them ahead of time. If you do not have social media, you may also join the support groups that host the webinars. Knowledge is power; today, you have many opportunities to expand your knowledge to your own comfort level and ask questions.Raising awareness and funds, all in onePlaying an active role in any community requires effort. In the tips above, one of the best ways to be active is to raise awareness of the support group and its purpose. When there is more awareness of MS, it allows everyone around you to have a better understanding of the disease and those who live with it. MS can be an invisible disease for some, in the sense that they are feeling the symptoms but physically may look as if nothing is wrong. If more people knew of the disease and how it can present both internally and externally, it would allow those on the MS journey to be better understood and supported. Perhaps with understanding and knowledge, it would allow the community surrounding you to appreciate the nancial burden on anyone navigating the MS journey. Many people are willing to help support MS Focus and the other organizations which are committed to providing services to those with MS; the most common issue is that they do not know where to start. Lets explore some ideas on the different types of fundraisers that your community could host to raise awareness.Art Show. All the members in your community, including children, can display their art. You can charge a small ticket price to attend the showing or individuals can offer their art for sale and donate a portion of the proceeds.Spelling bee. It could be themed to a commonly watched TV-show or have different levels of difficulty based on age.Bake sale. Everyone bakes their most famous recipe and other members of the community can buy a sliceor the whole thing. Also, all the recipes from the participants can be collected into a cookbook that can be sold to raise funds.Dance marathon. This one could be fun for everyonePhoto contest. Everyone participating can submit a photo of a chosen theme. Battle of the Bands. Local bands in your community can come out and play their songs. This allows the bands to be recognized and everyone can have a good time dancing.Scavenger hunt. If you live in a town that is close knit, you can plan a scavenger hunt with the theme of your choice.Yard sale. We all have things we want to rid of but do not want to see it going to waste, perhaps someone else might want your decorative expertise.Talent show. Have everyone come out and show off what they are best at. Depending on where you live, some of these fundraising options are more feasible than others. Dont be afraid to try other ideas, but make sure to discuss them rst with your support group and listen to their input as well. Remember, the goal is to have fun and raise awareness. By being part of your community, you are already winning.16'