b'Health & WellnessMMaaiinnttaaiinniinnggHHeeaalltthhyyMMoovveemmeennttwwiitthhtthheeHHeellppooffTTeecchhnnoollooggyyFeeaattuurreess,,ssyysstteemmss,,aannddddeevviicceesskkeeyyFt occhhoooossiinnggwweeaarraabblleettnneessssmmoonniittoorrtoBy Joanne FortunatoTracking movement goals is an importantFFeeaattuurreessaannddssyysstteemmssstep for any tness-conscious person. If youThe rst decision in purchasing a monitoring have a chronic health condition, such as MS,device is determining which health features movement is crucial to maintaining your health.matter most to you and your healthcare team. MS is a degenerative disease and regularIf you have a particular issue, such as being movement has been shown to delay or possiblyprone to falling, heart issues, high blood pressure, slow degeneration. Monitoring and trackingor any other problems, choose a system that your movements is an essential part of anybest addresses these issues. Because health healthcare regimen. As always, it is importantis dynamic and uid, purchasing a monitoring that your healthcare team, doctors, and othersystem that will adapt to your changing health professionals are involved, especially whenneeds and is robust enough to handle any you are starting. In fact, there is technologyfuture needs. This may require a conversation available that will communicate health-relatedwithyourhealthcareteam.Inadditionto information directly to your healthcare provider.their healthcare knowledge, they may have In addition, many devices also monitor otherexperience and recommendations for a device health-related data such as heart rate, pulsethey are familiar with using in their clinical rate, BMI, and blood pressure.setting. Finally, and perhaps just as importantly, youYour choice of which movement device can set up a medical ID with information such asyou use may also depend on which operating your blood type, height, weight, and emergencysystem you are already using. If you are an contact. This is helpful in emergencies andApple user, you will want to use the health when you need to share this information withfeatures Apple already makes part of their family or caregivers. Some devices can evensystem and purchase the Apple Watch if you monitor if you fall or become immobile andprefer a wearable device. If you are an Android can call for help on your behalf. Health-tracking(Google) user, there are choices as to which devices have become a billion-dollar industrymanufacturer you choose. There are also a and choice of devices available can be over- few standalone third-party options available whelming. This article will review the choicesfor wearable devices that will work with both and guide you in making the best decisionApple IOS and Android as well. These devices are for your individual health needs and budget. often less expensive for the budget conscious msfocusmagazine.org 16'