b'MS Focus ActivitiesBBrriigghhtteerrTToommoorrrroowwGGrraannttM .Maakkiinnggttoommoorrrroowwbbrriigghhtteerrffoorrmmaannyy .For many who live with multiple sclerosis, its the little things we take for granted that make all the difference: a washing machine, new tires, a mattress. It is this sort of thing that makes the Brighter Tomorrow Grant program so important. Filling an important need, the goal of this national annual program is to provide goods or servicesof up to $1,000to improve quality of life for those living with MS by enhancing safety, self-sufficiency, comfort, and well-being. At MS Focus, we are keenly aware of the great needs of individuals in the MS community. Since the program began, the requests have been as varied as the applicants, ranging from the mundane to the unique. Those who have never received a BTG can apply annually from June 1 to Sept. 1. Applicants are asked to provide basic personal and nancial information, and to write a brief essay of 100 words or less to describe how the grant would help them have A Brighter Tomorrow.Here are some of their stories: Getting the washing done Patty T., of Galt, Mo., needed a new washing machine. The nearest laundromat is far from her home, and having someone take her was costly. My washer has quit. I live 20 miles from the nearest laundromat, which cost me about $50 to $80. I usually only get to go once a month. Finding people willing to take you to town and sit there for two to three hours is hard. I live on a disability and cannot afford to replace it at the time. Times I cant get there I try to wash it in a tub to stay somewhat clean. I will appreciate the help from the grant if you nd me eligible. This will be a huge help for me. Quieter spin cycles Deborah K., of Cape Coral, Fla., asked for a washing machine. My current washing machine is about 13 years old. It sounds like a jet taking off during the spin cycles. When it dies, I cant imagine taking my laundry to a laundromat as I cannot walk without using a walker. Making house chores easier Brandi M., of Dothan, Ala., received a dryer. I am in need of a dryer because my dryer is no longer working. Ive been trying my hardest to survive without one by hanging my clothes outside. But thats another chore in itself. And if I try to take them to the laundromat, thats money taken away from me having food. I could really use a dryer to help me do my chores around the house a lot easier. Ive had multiple sclerosis for 13 years and every day is a roller coaster. But I try to adjust as best as I can. Please consider me for this grant. I will really appreciate it. msfocusmagazine.org 24'