b'can assist with nerve ber fatigue. Nerve berOccupational therapy fatigue can be caused by overuse and heatevaluation and treatment intolerance. OT can assist you with coming upAs you start your OT journey, an occupational with specic strategies to decrease overuse andtherapist will complete a thorough evaluation manage heat intolerance. For example, makingto determine which daily activities need to be a daily schedule that includes rest breaks,addressed during the OT plan of care and the using adaptive equipment to make ADLs/IADLsbarriers to completing these activities. This such as dressing easier, reorganizing yourevaluationmayincludeanassessmentof environment efficiently, and using coolingyour strength, range of motion, coordination, strategies to help you manage heat intolerance.proprioception, sensation, vision, activities of All these strategies work towards decreasingdaily living, instrumental activities of daily fatigue as a barrier to daily activities. living,sleephygiene,healthmanagement Heat intolerance and sensitivity affects many(fatigue, heat intolerance, cold intolerance, etc.), people with MS. It can cause cognitive, sensory,work, leisure activities, social participation, and motor impairments. All of these impairmentsand home accessibility. From here, you, your can lead to decreased participation in dailyOT, and potentially a care partner will work activities. OT can assist you with learning abouttogether to determine goals and an OT plan different cooling strategies and equipment,of care. This plan of care will be specically and with coming up with a specic plan for howtailored to you to help you increase your tousethesestrategiesandequipmentinparticipation and independence in your daily your daily life. For example, it may be helpfulactivities. toruncoldwateroveryourwristsafteraWhere to go from hereshower and wear a cooling vest when ridingIf you think occupational therapy may be or driving in the car during summertime. helpful for you, ask your doctor if they think Bowel and bladder dysfunction are twothis is something you should pursue. I nd potentially common symptoms that can causethat many people have gone through physical a lot of stress and anxiety in an individualstherapy throughout their life to address an life but are not always talked about. An OTinjury, but fewer people have participated in canhelpyouworkonbowelandbladderOT or know what this therapy entails. Even if management.Thiscouldincludelifestyleyou do not need OT, you may know someone modications, intermittent catheter training,in your community that could benet from it. urge suppression, or managing your clothingFeel free to share the potential benets of OT so that you can undress to use the restroom.with a friend.Supporter Savings Program Times are tough and people are looking to save, not give. Fortunately, our innovative new Supporter Savings Program allows you to do both.Heres how it works: sign up to be a recurring monthly donor of $15 a month or more and you will receive access to our members-only website and app. There, you will nd savings on a wide array of restaurants, stores, and service providers. To sign up, all you have to do is visit msfocus.org/donate to make your qualifying donation. Start saving, knowing your support is helping both the Foundation and you.9msfocusmagazine.org'