b'MS Focus ActivitiesNatalie BlakeKasey Minnis Executive Director Executive DirectorIn December 2023, we were excited to bringSupporters kindly included MS Focus: the Multiple back the MS Quality of Life grant program.Sclerosis Foundation in their estate planning, Suspended during the pandemic, this programor made the Foundation a beneciary on their provides grants to nonprots and educationallifeinsurancepolicyorbrokerageaccount. institutions for research and programs thatThanks to their generosity, hundreds of people seek to improve the quality of life for peoplewill be helped now as program participants. with MS. We received applications fromThousands more will be helped in the future institutions across the country, with a wideas the results of the research these funds are variety of interesting projects. The applicationssupporting guide the treatment of people were reviewed by a panel of staff memberswith MS. and seven projects were funded.If you would like information on how to Topics ranged from physical therapy toinclude the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation the benets of meditation, to mental health forin your estate planning, our Director of people with MS. Two of the funded projectsPhilanthropy, Traci Shur, would be happy to will focus specically on helping people withguide you. She can be reached by email advanced MS. One focused specifically onat tracishur@msfocus.org or by phone at health education for African-American members786-213-0003. of the MS community. The variety of focus areas will add depth to our understanding ofWe are grateful for those whose forward-how to improve the lives of people with MS. thinking and planning has allowed us to We were able to fund so many applicationsadvance the knowledge of MS and the quality thanks to generous bequests received in 2023.of life for those living with the disease.2023 Quality of Life GrantsThe 2023 Quality of Life Grants were awarded to researchers and providers at the following institutions: NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital Center for Neuroscience CUNY - Hunter College, Department of Physical Therapy MS Insight Dignity Health John A. Schafer MS Achievement Center The Ohio State University Center for Integrative Health The Boston Home Miami Valley Hospital Foundation msfocusmagazine.org 30'