b'GGiivviinnggBBaacckk::RRaaiissiinnggAAwwaarreenneessssCompany Outing Provides Ideal Fundraising Opportunity.My name is Erin Simpson, and I am theto staff members only, but the point of this clinical director of the Language and Behaviorouting was to raise as much awareness and Center, New England Region. This companymoney as possible, so we wanted anyone and provides applied behavior analysis, speecheveryone to join. We wound up with a group of therapy, and occupational therapy to children19 people. Every single person contributed to and families in New England. One of our staffthe 50/50 raffle we had. Others donated di-members, whom I had known from a previousrectly to our groups fundraiser.job, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis manyThe most challenging part of this project was years ago after experiencing initial vision losskeeping track of who gave how much money and leg weakness. She is now 32 years oldand in what form (cash, Venmo, etc.) for the and struggling with the symptoms of her MS.50/50raffle,adonation,orthesuggested This staff member is a very kind, gentle-hearted,cover charge we had. It was a good problem and thoughtful person. It was recommendedto have. she receive a ve-day infusion to alleviateIf you are thinking about giving back to some of these symptoms in the long term. your community by hosting a fundraising Our company often hosts outings (monthlyevent for the rst time, I want to let you know or at least quarterly), and I thought of makingthis was an experience I will never forget. It our November outing a volunteer event. It madewas only a few hours at a restaurant and bar sense, being right around Thanksgiving, towith a few members of my family, friends, think about giving back in any way we could.staff members, and their family and friends. IthoughtwecouldvolunteerinhonorofWehadagreattime,and wefeltsogood autism(thepopulation weservemost),orknowing we were there for such a great reason.anything else that was going to be meaningful to us in some way. Hence, this staff memberI plan to keep November as our annual became our inspiration.givingbackoutingandtohostanannual This was my rst time organizing a fundraisingfundraising event of some sort in the future. event and it went very well. We invited ourI am excited about that.staff and asked they spread the word as best For more information, email: they could. Typically, our outings are limitederin@tlbcboston.com. 43msfocusmagazine.org'