b"Sean GiblinFor more than ten years, Sean Giblin was the voice connecting people isolated by multiple sclerosis with the outside world. As the head of the Foundations We Care, We Call program, Sean reached out to individuals who needed a friendly voice and a listening ear. It was the perfect career for Sean, blending his social work training with his rsthand knowledge of how tough MS can be.Sean was diagnosed with MS at the age of 16, though looking back, he believed his symptoms may have started even earlier. During the next few years, it became clear that Seans MS was aggressive. By his late teens, he lost the ability to drive and began using a scooter full-time for mobility. But Sean continued to push ahead, working towards his goals. While pursuing his college education, Sean began volunteering as a peer counselor at MS Focus. Though Sean was younger than many who called for peer counseling, people responded to his warmth, friendliness, and sense of humor. Not only would Sean offer encouragement and support, he would also supply practical advice, helping others with MS navigate their chal-lenges. In short order, Sean was hired at the Foundation as a support service coordinator. He was placed in charge of the We Care, We Call program but also handled calls on the National Toll-Free Helpline, assisting callers with access to resources and services. Sean was beloved not just by the MS community he helped, but by the staff and volunteers in the office. His colleague Kimani Hendricks shared, In the office, most times, I'd hear Sean before seeing him. He stopped by everyone's spaces, bidding hellos and sometimes giving hugs. Every encounter with him was nothing short of warm; Sean seemed to be the friend I didn't know I had or needed from the moment I met him. He made me feel remembered. Seen.Kasey Minnis added, Sean believed in looking on the bright side, but he was also realistic about his losses. He would look you in the eye and tell you exactly how much MS sucked, but hed do it with a smile on his face. Then hed crack a joke and tell you the latest progress hed made with physical therapy.Despite the rapid progression of his MS, Sean never gave up hope. He participated in clinical trials and research with the National Institutes of Health, executive director Natalie Blake remembered. Seans contributions to science and the MS community leave a lasting legacy. Sean passed away on Dec. 30, 2023 at the age of 33. Our hearts go out to his family and friends.27 msfocusmagazine.org"